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10 Ways to cut your tax bill

10 Ways to cut your tax bill The average Canadian (who grossed about $40,000.00) paid almost 50% to the respective governments; yes almost $20,000! How can Canadians do something about this sky high bill?

10 Reasons taxpayers hire a professional

10 Reasons taxpayers hire a professional Taxpayers today are making more and more use of a tax professional in many ways - from doing a basic return, to extensive planning of real estate, investments, employment expenses and businesses. Tax planning is as complicated as it's ever been and it only stands to grow even more complex. This merely reflects a fast changing world, a more service demanding population and governments being forced to balance budgets while competing globally. Unfortunately confusing the taxpayer is part of the government's solution to making windfall dollars.

10 Ways to find a tax windfall

10 Ways to find a tax windfall Believe it or not many taxpayers may qualify for this rarely talked about occurrence. By definition a tax windfall is discovering over assessed taxes the taxpayer has paid or owes and is entitled to get back with interest or interest reduction in some cases.

Taxes are not something you should think about in December, February, and April

Most people think about taxes at the end of the year, RRSP time and tax filing time. Canadians can make their lives easier with a simple strategy to set a plan and forget about it while taking advantage of all the opportunities to legally reduce their tax payable.

10 Ways to see if you paid your fair share of taxes

10 Ways to see if you paid your fair share of taxes Believe it or not many taxpayers may qualify for this rarely talked about occurrence. By definition a tax windfall is discovering over assessed taxes the taxpayer has paid or owes and is entitled to get back with interest or interest reduction in some cases.

10 Ways to find money from unfiled taxes

10 Ways to find money from unfiled taxes Canadians who file late every year have millions of unpaid dollars sitting with CRA collecting interest for them. Canadian taxpayers can legally recover money owed to them from CRA.

10 Ways to avoid a tax trap

10 Ways to avoid a tax trap Every so often Canadians receive an unexpected notice that they owe taxes out of the blue. If it’s a sizable amount it can really change their financial position. What are the best strategies to handle this issue and to avoid it reoccurring in future?

10 Myths and facts about the tax industry

10 Myths and facts about the tax industry The average Canadian misses the opportunity to save thousands of dollars each year due to misinformation. They may not know who to ask or how to get the right type of help.

10 Ways to assess a tax consultants fees

10 Ways to assess a tax consultants fees What are the right costs for tax consultation services? Unfortunately, many taxpayers who use a pro are searching for answers, because there are no official standards or guidelines like many other professions such as doctors, realtors, teachers, etc. Fees can range from under $10.00 an hour to several thousands of dollars. With such a vast differentiation of numbers, how does the average taxpayer know where to start?

10 Ways to get free help at tax time

10 Ways to get free help at tax time There is a lot of free help out there to almost every Canadian. In some cases, Canadians may qualify for free tax preparation services,depending on income and other situations.

10 Ways to handle a tax taboo

10 Ways to handle a tax taboo In a situation where the taxpayer may have underpaid their taxes intentionally or unknowingly which may have put them in an unfavourable situation regarding evasion of tax. What are some of the strategies that taxpayers can use to minimize the impact and get back on track with CRA?

10 Ways to spot tax fraud

10 Ways to spot tax fraud Every so often a Canadian taxpayer will come across a tax offer which seems too good to be true. Unfortunately, in the world we live in today, fraud is very much a part of it and the sooner the taxpayer is educated about it the better.

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